Room to Grow: Coming to Weiss from a Small Firm
I joined Weiss when the firm where I worked, KRB, arrived in a merger in 2018. KRB was relatively small, and I was nervous about moving to a medium-sized firm like Weiss. The first six months were an adjustment – we were already in the busy tax season, and there was a learning curve. But soon I started golfing with other staff, and I got to know everyone. I realized what a positive experience it is. You’re not going to find smarter people than we have here. We all get along, and we all like each other.
In auditing and assurance, I’ve gotten experience with clients in a number of different industries, like manufacturing and construction, and it’s nice to have that variety. I’m always busy, and there’s always something new to do and learn. My knowledge has really expanded.
What I really like about Weiss is that they’ve got great benefits, offer a good work/life balance, and there is genuine room for movement and promotion. You’re not going to find that kind of opportunity at every firm. Now that I’ve been here for a while, I can see why see our staff turnover is very low. It really says a lot about the culture.
— Kyle Versino
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