Reflections on International Women’s Day
For Weiss & Company LLP, International Women’s Day is a particularly noteworthy occasion, for obvious reasons. Over half of our total workforce and management staff members are women, as are one-third of the firm’s partners and principals. So who better to reflect on International Women’s Day and the importance of promoting equality and diversity in the workplace? Here’s a sampling of what the women of Weiss had to say:
“Today is a day to honor women in business, in the community, in their families – in any capacity. It’s a day for women to come together and celebrate one another.”
“At Weiss, women have just as much of a likelihood of earning a promotion as men do –there are no restrictions from growing within the company.”
“It’s important to think about where we are today and how far we’ve come – to be able to both live in a society and partake in a business setting where we can work together.”
“Partners, managers, and associates are treated equally here, and women are absolutely offered the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals.”
With those words in mind, we’d like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of International Women’s Day. We hope you’ll join us.
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